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FAQ's and Concerns


         Well, it's finally happened, enough people have all asked me the same question that I feel a need to do something about it, to respond somehow.

         So that, is what brings us to this page.

         If I get enough questions on any one topic, or even a really unique question that causes me to have to stop and say, "Hey, that's a really good question. Why the hell can't I answer it as easily as it was asked?"


         This, is where I'll be posting the answer.


         So .... let's get this party started ......


      Q. .... Where did you get the idea for your zombies?


      A. .... Well, I'd have to say equal parts of the legendary "super soldier" program and some of my worst nightmares. While thinking about the program I got to wondering what could happen if something went wrong, what would the twist be if a genetic modification program trying to develop a super soldier went wrong.

               That question, led to a ton of research.

              Which then led to further questions and consults with some of the medical personnel associated with Omega Research Projects, my consultation cooperative.


               Which then brought us to the ultimate perversion of the Super Soldier program, a zombie.


      Q. .... Why are the covers of your book like they are? Why didn't you have someone draw a cover for you that was uber cool?


    A. .... The covers are just exactly the way I want them.


              The covers of my books are supposed to evoke a feeling as if you'd found a dead body, or a stash of books and such; and went looking through the books, or the person's pockets;  finding items of personal or sentimental value scattered through them. Pictures of old friends, family, that's why the pictures are reminescent of old Polaroids.


             The cover of volume three will be along the same lines but slightly different. It's entirely due to the inspiration of our eight year old daughter. Parents, I think you might find this one interesting.







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